
Mind Body Achievement (MBA) Program

MBA is an integrated, team-based continuous improvement process. It combines leadership certification, safety training and fitness activity to achieve breakthrough results in health, safety and production.

MBA Session led in Fulfudé national language by a worker.
  • MBA session led in Fulfulde national language by a worker.
Sylvain Collard, construction manager at Essakane, congratulates the teams for their MBA participation and safety performance.
  • Sylvain Collard, construction manager at Essakane, congratulates the teams for their MBA participation and safety performance.

Supervisors and teams work together to meet the three core objectives of the MBA program:

  1. Develop supervisor leadership skills;
  2. Engage employees in daily hazard recognition solutions for improvement; and
  3. Improve fitness and agility to prevent job-related injuries.
The objective for 2011 was to develop an implementation plan for operations. This target was met and exceeded with the following activities –
  • Implementation plan complete
  • How-to Guide created for use during deployment
  • Corporate implementation committee created to assist deployment at voluntary sites
  • Voluntary sites – Rosebel operations started deployment in July 2011, implemented first stages to over 1500 employees; Mouska operation completed first stages of deployment by December 2011 to all 217 employees; Westwood deployed to 3 teams (88 employees); Essakane construction first stages of MBA deployed to all employees (286 employees)
  • Sites continuing MBA – Rosebel construction, Niobec construction.
For a year and a half, test trials for the MBA program were completed at two construction sites; one in Niobec and the other at Rosebel. The construction teams that implemented the MBA program were able to introduce new tools for managing health and safety performance, and improve the effectiveness and ease of use of many of the existing tools as well. As a result of their efforts, the teams were able to achieve their goal of Zero Harm on both project sites. They have reported an impressive 20 months and over 400,000 hours worked at Zero Harm to date.

Next Steps
Our team is in the middle of implementation for a company-wide roll-out of the MBA program across all operating and construction sites. At the same time, Rosebel, Mouska, and Westwood have already taken the lead by appointing internal steering committee members and aligning resources for the implementation of the MBA program this summer. Sites will soon start appointing their own internal implementation teams, and will begin working with our MBA experts for site deployment.

 MBA Priorities for 2012 by Site:

MBA meetingMBA meeting at Mouska. ROSEBEL OPERATIONS
At Rosebel, there will be a review of MBA cards and the cards’ procedures in 2012, especially including follow-ups, in order to make them more effective and to ensure that they work smoothly within all teams. The focus will be on the certification of future MBA leaders who have completed the bronze level leadership training.

At Mouska, 2012 priorities include leadership and personnel development. Continuous improvement of MBA leader's leadership is essential, as is process improvement to ensure the program is applied as effectively as possible. Leadership responsibilities will also be transferred to workers so that they too have the opportunity to improve their leadership skills.

In 2012, the Construction department and Operations work teams will begin working together in the same area. One of the 2012 priorities is ensuring good communication between the teams. The Construction teams have been working in an MBA environment for a few years, as opposed to Operations who are just starting implementation. Communication will be a key factor in achieving extraordinary safety performance.

In 2012, the Essakane team’s priority is a focus on worker training: leadership training, as well as health, safety and sustainable development training. The team will also ensure that the MBA principles and information are communicated effectively to optimize the program’s benefits. Key ideas for 2012 include improving communication, worker training and resource optimization in order to achieve extraordinary safety performance.

Rosebel Construction
In 2012, Construction team members will need to collaborate with Operations and, therefore, communications between the two work groups will be crucial. The “MBA Goes Green” pilot project is also scheduled for launch in June 2012. The project involves digitizing the MBA cards and simplifying the reporting and follow-up process, which is an opportunity to improve communication and safety in the work environment. Mind Body Achievement ( MBA) Program in action at Essakane, Burkina Faso (Video available in French only.)


SITE information CONSTRUCTION OpErations
  Rosebel Essakane Niobec Westwood Rosebel Mouska Westwood
Total employees 120 286 63 40 1,500 217 355
Employees participating in MBA 120 286 63 40 735 217 88
Total leader candidates 23 4 5 6 180 20 37
Leader candidates – Bronze training 23 4 3 5 170 20 37
Bronze leaders 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Silver leaders 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gold leaders 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Certified leaders 2 2 0 0 0 0 0

Rosebel Exploration Team Goes 1000 Days Without an Injury

Maintaining health and safety for the Regional Exploration team in Suriname is no easy feat. Their job is to explore the country’s deep, dense jungle to discover IAMGOLD’s future mines. The team must brave extreme temperatures, snakes and scorpions, use machetes to cut their way through hundreds of kilometers of dense vegetation, crash in flycamps for weeks at a time with only a creek to bathe in, and collect thousands of samples that must be carried on their backs to reach the bush trails. Yet despite such grueling conditions, the Regional Exploration Team achieved 1000 days without a Lost-Time Accident.

No sprained ankles in the Tapanahony mountains, no cut fingers in the Saracreek concession, no back injuries in Charmagne, no snake bites in Kraboe Doin, no dehydration in Mamacreek, no vehicle accidents in Tossocreek, no malaria anywhere. Every worker came back from these incredibly demanding working conditions safe and sound and ready to resume their jobs after a short break.

This tremendous achievement would not have been possible without a total commitment to health and safety from the whole team. Safety meetings, inspections and hazard observations became a matter of routine for all team members, and the results have proven well worth the time and effort.

Performance Example (4.1) Mouska Goes 1000 Days  Without an Injury

The workers of Mouska mine in Abitibi, Quebec were happy to celebrate 1,000 consecutive days without compensable accidents on November 2, 2011. Key elements they attributed to their success were:

  • Team spirit (family): The work environment at Mouska is very good: people feel at home, and in the past few years, certain closeness was established with management, and workers feel comfortable sharing concerns, problems and good ideas.
  • Health & Safety Committee corrects Health & Safety issues: A great relationship with representatives from the Health & Safety Committee, as well as their availability to correct Health & Safety issues.
  • Risk analysis for occasional risks: When faced with a new situation or task, a team of process experts is assembled (workers, supervisors, health & safety, maintenance, etc.) for the purposes of identifying task-related risks.
  • On-site presence: Visibility, availability and presence on the field of the Health & Safety department to discuss problems experienced by the workers; the team’s visibility is their trademark at Mouska.
  • Listening to the workers and open communication: Management’s open-door policy and attention to workers’ concerns and problems has created an atmosphere of trust. Workers feel comfortable reporting problems, and issues raised are taken seriously and responded to clearly and concisely.
  • Immediate actions: Problems are solved as soon as they arise. Nothing is allowed to fall through the cracks.
  • Good follow-up of our prevention activities: The importance of performing good prevention activities: Identify problems before they become incidents/accidents.

Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Health and Safety Performance

MAC’s (Mining Association of Canada) Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative helps the Canadian mining industry operate proactively, in an environmentally and socially responsible way.

TSM was designed to improve the industry’s performance by aligning its actions with the priorities and values of Canadians. Through TSM, mining companies can continue to act as leading economic contributors while protecting the environment and remaining responsive to Canadians.

Members must subscribe to a set of guiding principles backed by specific performance indicators that member companies report on annually. The reported results are externally verified every three years and reviewed by the TSM Community of Interest Advisory Panel.

Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Health and Safety PerformanceTowards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Health and Safety Performance TSM initiative has established five Health and Safety performance indicators. They are:
  1. Policy, Commitment and Accountability
  2. Planning, Implementation and Operation
  3. Training, Behaviour and Culture
  4. Monitoring and Reporting
  5. Performance
Five levels of performance are identified for each indicator:
C No systems in place; activities tend to be reactive; procedures may exist but they are not integrated into policies and management systems
B Actions are not fully consistent or documented; systems/processes planned and being developed
A Systems/processes are developed and implemented
AA Integration into management decisions and business functions
AAA Excellence and leadership

Achievement: Essakane SA and Rosebel attained the maximum level AAA for 4 out of 5 indicators in the health and safety component of the TSM protocol. Congratulations to Essakane and Rosebel on achieving this level of performance.