As part of the IAMGOLD Sustainability Policy, one of the guiding principles is to “create lasting partnerships with communities associated with our operations. These partnerships must be built on the respect for human dignity as well as the rights of individuals and communities, Mutual respect and trust are essential in reaching agreed objectives and shared involvement.”

Where Does IAMGOLD Stand on Human Rights?

  1. Policy: IAMGOLD has an overarching sustainability policy, with a commitment to respecting human rights. We also outline our commitment to human rights throughout the Company’s Sustainability Framework.
  2. Training: A multi-year human rights training program was initiated in 2009 with the assistance of the non-profit organization Business for Social Responsibility. Over the past two years, management training programs that focused on identifying, protecting and respecting human rights were rolled out across our operations and for high-priority departments such as security.
  3. Due Diligence: Every potential investment is screened with our Health, Safety and Sustainability Toolkit, which has an extensive due diligence component.
  4. Human Rights Working Group: In 2011, a working group was formed to review our past and current commitment to human rights and to chart out a strategy for 2012 and beyond. The working group consists of senior representatives (SVPs and Senior Directors) from Human Resources, Government Relations, Sustainability, Legal, as well as the IAMGOLD Chief Operating Officer.

Where Are We Going?

Under the guidance of the working group, a new Human Rights Strategy has been created that aligns directly with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (i.e. the Ruggie Framework). The working group will consider the following areas from 2012 and beyond:

  1. Policy Development: We will be undertaking the development of a stand-alone human rights policy for the Company, based on the UDHR and other key documents and conventions.
  2. Due Diligence: The existing Health, Safety and Sustainability Due Diligence Toolkit will be reviewed to ensure it is aligned with emerging standards on business and human rights (i.e. the UN Guiding Principles). The management system for new ESIAs will be reviewed to ensure that Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessments are properly and effectively incorporated into the ESIA Process.
  3. Assessments: Over the next two years, human rights, risks and impacts assessments will be conducted at our priority (i.e. international) operations. Assessments will be led by third-party groups.
  4. Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs): Using the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights as our guideline, we will review our security procedures for risks and vulnerabilities.
  5. Integration/Monitoring & Evaluation: The findings (gaps and opportunities) from the operational assessments will be translated into site-specific action plans with timelines for completions and assigned accountabilities. Progress will be monitored on a quarterly basis.
  6. Communication: IAMGOLD will continue to communicate its progress on human rights through various media and will consider reporting progress with the UN Guiding Principles (i.e. the Ruggie Framework).
  7. Training: Training will continue over the coming years with attention to more focused, job-specific areas (i.e. security, human resources, procurement, etc.).